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2200 - Timber Square


The redevelopment of a large-scale site in Southwark to create over 430,000 sq ft of office accommodation split over two distinct buildings: the Ink Building and the Print Building. Placing low-carbon materials and sustainable methods of construction at the heart of the development, the project will deliver a Net Zero Carbon building in operation and construction, in line with the UKGBC Net Zero Carbon Buildings Framework.

Key Features

  • Existing historic print works structure retained and extended by six additional storeys, with the existing foundations and columns justified to carry additional floors with minimal strengthening.
  • New build 15-storey west building with new double basement and piled raft foundation.
  • Lightweight timber and CLT Hybrid structure creates a 30% reduction in embodied carbon and 15% reduction in weight when compared to a typical new-build development.
  • Super structure designed as ‘kit of parts’ with minimal element types and piece count. Resulting in a reduced site programme with minimal site delivery and reduction in construction traffic
  • All wet trades removed from super structure design.
  • Superstructure designed to allow for easy modifications with the CLT floor panels designed to be removeable for future flexibility
  • Blue roofs are incorporated into the landscape design to provide sustainable water attenuation

Client: LandsecArchitect: Bennetts Associates

Collect Project Collect

Tom Steel
Tom Watson
Dee Voaden