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1654 - Suffolk House



A new contemporary farmhouse located in a Suffolk Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The main farmhouse is 3-storeys containing central feature stairs, bedrooms, office, and utilities. A single storey living wing provides the open-plan kitchen, dining and living areas. The main house and living wing are structurally independent, linked by a continuous strip of glazing across roof and opposite elevations.

Simple steel framing and large spans are accommodated with steelwork, which is stabilised with sheathed timber studwork walls set within the framing. Internally, elements of exposed brickwork are also used for support and stability. Located at the head of a sloping site, localised re-grading and groundworks were undertaken to provide ground bearing slabs and localised pad foundations. A separate garage unit has been re-used and has incorporated steelwork ‘reclaimed’ from temporary earthwork support, used elsewhere on the site during retaining wall construction.

Key Features:

  • Both main structures work independently and are connected by a glass link.
  • The structure is a simple steel frame stabilised by traditional timber studwork walls and sheathing.
  • Reuse of temporary steelwork within main build
  • The site addresses SUDS issues with a combination of green roofs and ground infiltration.


Client: PrivateArchitect: Mylius Architects

Collect Project Collect

Tom Steel
David Wanley