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1907 - One Berkeley Street

City of Westminster

One Berkeley Street is the redevelopment of an existing 1970s RC frame for hotel and office use. Generally the existing structure is demolished to level seven, and a new two-storey rooftop extension installed. There are also side extensions into Dover Yard to the rear, plus a new annex building.

Key features

·       Extensive archive searches and intrusive investigations to understand the capacity of the existing building

·       Justifying existing superstructure and raft foundation for increased loads with minimal strengthening works

·       Satisfying ground movement constraints imposed on the development by underlying London Underground service tunnels

·       Detailed assessment of the existing and proposed building stability to minimise proposed interventions

·       The service yard at ground floor level will be transformed into a green and biodiverse public realm

·       Temporary works design for global stability, basement walls and retaining a boundary wall adjacent to 40 Dover Street

One Berkeley Square comprises the redevelopment of an existing eight-storey post-war office block and hotel front Piccadilly.

Client: CrosstreeArchitect: Allford Hall Monaghan Morris

Collect Project Collect

Mark Tillett
Elliott Furminger