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2493 - 25 Hanover Square

City of Westminster

The full reclad and extension of an early 2000s RC framed building situated in Mayfair.

Key Features

  • The core is to be repositioned to the south of building, with the resulting bay infilled with an exposed RC structure to replicate the ribbed slabs of the existing.
  • A new stone façade with Corten trimmed windows is being introduced and the design aesthetic is taken through to the 7th floor extension, with exposed Corten steel beams being used to create the new floor of plant enclosure and exposed as part of the architectural scheme.
  • Removal of columns at ground floor and new transfer structure at first, carefully integrated into the new façade. With both the new Crossrail tunnels and the Victoria Line framing the site, load increase on the foundation is a key consideration.
  • Works to consider party wall interfaces with listed structures on both Hanover Square and St George Street.

Client: Morgan CapitalArchitect: Basha-Franklin

Collect Project Collect

Ben Woodwiss
Johnny Tang