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News: 23 June 2023

Laura Batty chaired the fbe Greater Manchester Unconventional Materiality: Concrete event

We sponsored and chaired the FBE Manchester event "Unconventional Materiality Concrete - An age of transition?", which challenged the widely accepted premise that the future of concrete is unsustainable.

The event featured four keynote presentations from Roger Stephenson, Founding Partner at Stephenson Hamilton Risley Studio and Jon Mathews,  Founding Partner at Jon Matthews Architects, Sam Draper, CEO at Seratech Cement and Alex McDermott, Co-founder at Concretene followed by a panel discussion chaired by  our very own Laura Batty, Associate Technical Research and Sustainability Lead.

"I had the pleasure of guest chairing the FBE panel discussion on ‘Unconventional Materiality – Concrete’ in Manchester. The discussion focused mainly on how to marry up the technical and design sides, and how to tell the story of unconventional concrete to aid its uptake. I challenged the panel to give me one thing practitioners can do to accelerate the use of unconventional material, with these responses: prepare to fight against the word “no”, early engagement, performance specifications, and “be a sponge” to learn from those around you." Associate, Laura Batty

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