Our reused steel Stockmatcher tool is now available to use online for free.
Visit: stockmatcher.co.uk
The HTS Stockmatcher is a selection tool built to assist procurement of reclaimed steel for use in new construction projects.
Launched at Footprint+ 2023, the HTS Stockmatcher was developed in-house by a team of structural engineers and researchers and made available to the wider industry free of charge. Our hope is that it will facilitate the wider adoption of reused steel, accelerating the practical application of circular economy principles, and help to reduce our industry’s significant carbon footprint.
The system compares two lists of information: a list of reclaimed steel, and a list of design steel; identifying where design elements may be substituted with reclaimed elements. The matching process considers geometric and simple structural properties, along with the waste produced through offcuts and over-specification. The Stockmatcher reviews all suitable substitutions and returns the most efficient matches.
How it works: Watch the video here
As founding signatories of Structural & Civil Engineers Declare, we understand that knowledge sharing and collaboration is critical to help us develop and adopt new innovative solutions to the climate crisis. Feedback on the tool is welcomed – contact the team at info@stockmatcher.co.uk with any questions or suggestions.