It is the policy of this Company not to discriminate against any person on the grounds of their colour, race, nationality, gender or ethnic origin. This applies not only to employees, but to job applicants,customers and suppliers and members of the public.
The Company requires all it’s employees to treat all people with appropriate courtesy and respect, regardless of their colour, race, nationality or ethnic origins.
The Directors have overall responsibility for implementing the above policy in accordance with the guidance and procedure set out below.
Any person who suffers or believes that they have suffered unlawful discrimination is to report this to a member of the Company’s management and as that the matter be dealt with. If it is not resolved to their satisfaction they may take the matter up through the Company grievance procedure.
All personnel are hereby instructed that unlawful discrimination in contravention of the above policy will not be tolerated and will be dealt with as a disciplinary issue. This includes anyone who becomes aware discrimination is taking place but does not report it to a member of management.
Supervisors and those responsible for recruitment, training, promotion or redundancy selection have a duty to ensure that all concerned are made aware of this policy.
It is illegal (i.e., a criminal offence) to incite racial hatred and any employee who does so or participates in or condones any such action, will be subject to disciplinary action.
Changes to this Policy
Contact Dora Georgiadou,16 Chart Street, London N1 6DD